Extensions Tab
Extensions Tab
This tab is configure each extensions.
Enable or Disable
You can enable and disable each extensions individually. When you enable, the user can select the extension in the main UI.
ANT Switch
Web-888 by-default use 6 GPIOs in the expansion slot as ANT switch and integrated into ANT switch.
You need give each Antenna a name before they displayed and usable in main UI.
You need first input your callsign and set your grid before this extension is able to run in the background and report to PSKReporter.
You can display your uploaded data at PSKReporter
You need first input your callsign and set your grid before this extension is able to run in the background and report to wsprnet.
You can display your uploaded data at wsprnet
If you don't have a Ham radio callsign, but would like to contribute your Kiwi's WSPR decodes to wsprnet, set the Reporter callsign field to something like "SWLRF82". Where "SWL" is the well-known abbreviation for "shortwave listener" and "RF82" is a 4-character grid square describing your Kiwi's general location available from this site. There are other conventions as well, e.g. "SWL/N" where "N" is a Ham radio callsign prefix for US.